About Music Theory Singapore

My teaching philosophy (and what to expect)

My Teaching Philosophy

"I don’t simply teach ‘content’ but also useful ways in which to think about said content so as to better understand it..."

Instead of simply saying “This is the correct answer because that’s just the way it is”, I try to get students to question their own assumptions that lead to that question in the first place and in the process allow them to understand something deeper about the topic at hand. This is usually more intellectually satisfying than accepting conventional wisdom at face value.

I value self-directed learning. Therefore, we can study whatever it is you want to study. I will also explain what is involved in choosing to study any particular area of music and what you need to have learned before attempting it. This way, you know the implications of your decisions and can therefore make better ones.

I will provide guidance regarding useful ways of comprehending challenging musical concepts and useful ways to practice and develop what one has learned.

The effort you will need to put in does not consist merely of comprehension of a concept but of the strenuous process of honing that initial insight into an eventual ability to apply the concept with ease, which is the only true proof of thorough understanding. (Analogously, one cannot claim to adequately understand Pythagoras’ theorem until one can, with relative ease, solve a mathematical problem using it.)

I don’t simply teach ‘content’ but also useful ways in which to think about said content so as to better understand it

You will learn how to learn

You will be able to apply many of these general skills to other areas of learning (musical and otherwise)


Our students recognise the effort and dedication that Shao-Wen puts into each lesson. Here is just some of the feedback that we have received.


That Shao-Wen teaches not merely topics but concepts, concepts in different contexts and relationships between concepts are just a few of many reasons why his lessons are distinctive.

He gives much more than textbook definitions, and takes the time to illustrate concepts on the instrument. Each idea is expounded on clearly, comprehensively and with all its nuances and subtleties (and with a dash of humour), and oftentimes in the process the idea is embellished with a personality that makes the study of (dry and baffling) theory so much more palatable.

Perhaps what’s most encouraging is that he never brushes aside what students sometimes deem as ‘silly questions’ and explores each question with an intellectual rigour that’s often missed in lessons conducted by the average music school.

— Mr P Tham


Amazing knowledge of the finer details of violin performance and music theory. A truly engaging and inspiring teacher with both the gift of and passion for teaching. Janelle has been motivated to practice the violin like never before.

— Ms Emily Teo


Shao-Wen is an amazing teacher with extensive knowledge and grasp of music theory principles. He is able to explain these topics in a simple and easy-to-understand manner for my daughter, and he is always patient and encouraging with her.

Shao-Wen is not only an exceptional teacher, but he is also a kind and sensitive guy, and my daughter looks forward to her lessons with him. He will undoubtedly continue to have a great influence on my daughter's musical path.

— Mr Ivan Wong
